Ilan Stavans
© Kevin Gutting
Ilan Stavans is the publisher of Restless Books and the Lewis-Sebring Professor of Humanities and Latin American and Latino Culture at Amherst College. His books include On Borrowed Words, Spanglish, Dictionary Days, The Disappearance, and A Critic’s Journey. He has edited The Norton Anthology of Latino Literature, the three-volume set Isaac Bashevis Singer: Collected Stories, The Poetry of Pablo Neruda, among dozens of other volumes. He is the recipient of numerous awards and honors, including a Guggenheim Fellowship, Chile’s Presidential Medal, the International Latino Book Award, and the Jewish Book Award. Stavans’s work, translated into twenty languages, has been adapted to the stage and screen. A cofounder of the Great Books Summer Program at Amherst, Stanford, Chicago, Oxford, and Dublin, he is the host of the NPR podcast “In Contrast.”
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Commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus.
By Nezahualcóyotl
Retold from the Nahuatl by Ilan Stavans
Illustrated by Cuauhtémoc Wetzka
From award-winning author, editor, and translator Ilan Stavans comes a one-of-kind retelling of a legendary Aztec ruler’s timeless verses.
Hardcover • ISBN: 9781632063861
Publication date: March 25, 2025
by Juan Pablo Iglesias Yacher
Illustrations by Alex Peris
Translated from the Spanish by Ilan Stavans
Translated into Hebrew by Eliezer Nowodworski and Frieda Press-Danieli
Translated into Arabic by Randa Sayegh
Yonder: Restless Books for Young Readers | Ages 3–6
A one-of-a-kind picture book about an Israeli boy and a Palestinian boy who bond on the soccer field—translated into English, Hebrew, and Arabic.
Hardcover • ISBN: 9781632061560
Publication date: Aug 20, 2019
Paperback • ISBN: 9781632063793
Paperback publication date: May 7, 2024
Edited by Ilan Stavans
A riveting, one-of-a-kind anthology of the diversity, strangeness, and power of American English, featuring a tremendous array of essays, letters, poems, songs, speeches, stories, jeremiads, manifestos, and decrees across history, from Sojourner Truth and Abraham Lincoln to Henry Roth and Zora Neale Hurston, from Bob Dylan and James Baldwin to Richard Rodríguez and Amy Tan, from Tony Kushner and Toni Morrison to Louise Erdrich and Donald Trump.
Hardcover • ISBN: 9781632062659
Publication date: Feb 14, 2023
Edited by Ilan Stavans and Josh Lambert
2020 Foreword INDIES Silver Award for Anthologies
Winner of the Canadian Jewish Literary Award (Yiddish)
A momentous and diverse anthology of the influences and inspirations of Yiddish voices in America—radical, dangerous, and seductive, but also sweet, generous, and full of life—edited by award-winning authors and scholars Ilan Stavans and Josh Lambert.
Hardcover • ISBN: 9781632062628
Publication date: Jan 21, 2020
Paperback ISBN: 9781632062260
Publication date: Apr 25, 2023
by Ilan Stavans
Illustrations by Gabriela Larios
Foreword by Homero Aridjis
2020 Foreword INDIES Gold Winner for Multicultural Fiction
2020 Mass Book Awards Must Read Fiction
An inspired and urgent prose retelling of the Maya myth of creation by acclaimed Latin American author and scholar Ilan Stavans, gorgeously illustrated by Salvadoran folk artist Gabriela Larios and introduced by renowned author, diplomat, and environmental activist Homero Aridjis.
Hardcover ISBN: 9781632062406
Publication date: Nov 10, 2020
Edited by Ilan Stavans
In this rich, eye-opening, and uplifting anthology, dozens of esteemed writers, poets, artists, and translators from more than thirty countries send literary dispatches from life during the pandemic. A portion of proceeds benefit booksellers in need.
World Literature Today’s 75 Notable Translation of 2020
Paperback • ISBN: 9781632063021
Publication date: Aug 25, 2020
by Miguel de Cervantes
Translated from the Spanish by John Ormsby
Introduction and Video Lecture Series by Ilan Stavans
Illustrations by Eko
Newly introduced by leading Quixote scholar Ilan Stavans, this 400th Anniversary edition of Don Quixote of La Mancha—called the most popular book in history after the Bible and the first modern novel—inaugurates Restless Classics: interactive encounters with great books and inspired teachers. Each Restless Classic is beautifully designed with original artwork, a new introduction for the trade audience, and an online video teaching series led by passionate experts.
Paperback • ISBN: 9781632060754
Publication date: October 6, 2015
By Ricardo Piglia
Introduction by Ilan Stavans
Translated from the Spanish by Robert Croll
Work published within the framework of "Sur" Translation Support Program of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship of the Argentine Republic
Obra editada en el marco del Programa "Sur" de Apoyo a las Traducciones del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto de la República Argentina
“Cognizant of his impending death, Piglia, the Argentine titan of letters who died of A.L.S. in January, prepared his 327 notebooks for publication in a trilogy…. Splendidly crafted and interspliced with essays and stories, this beguiling work is to a diary as Piglia is to “Emilio Renzi”: a lifelong alter ego, a highly self-conscious shadow volume that brings to bear all of Piglia’s prowess as it illuminates his process of critical reading and the inevitable tensions between art and life.”
—The New York Times Book Review, Editors' Choice
Paperback • ISBN: 9781632061621
Publication date: Nov 14, 2017
Ilan Stavans remembers Norton Juster, who died on March 8, 2021.
Join us for live virtual events celebrating Ilan Stavans’s beautiful new prose rendition of Popol Vuh, which brings to life one of humankind’s most influential creation stories and the cosmology of the people who conceived it .
This fall, join us as we read Don Quixote with our virtual classics book club, Restless Reads. We’ll be in good company: our guide will be Ilan Stavans, a noted Cervantes scholar and devotee (and our publisher). We’ll tackle this bucket-list book a little at a time, about eight pages a day, with monthly virtual meetings along the way, wrapping up by early December. During an uncertain fall, the restless, struggling, dreaming figure of Don Quixote will be a good friend.
Our virtual classics book club continues this June with Robinson Crusoe, a gripping story of peril and survival and ultimate isolation (relatable!)—and an unparalleled portrait of the British colonizer.
If you’re looking for a way to connect with other literature lovers and find new sustenance in your bookshelves—like we are—we invite you to join our virtual book club, Restless Reads.
For Yiddish enthusiasts and novices alike, How Yiddish Changed America and How America Changed Yiddish is a smorgasbord of essays, poems, cartoons, and other dispatches from Yiddish America—a place where we all live, whether we know it or not. We’re thrilled to share the preface—the tasty appetizer before the feast—from editors Ilan Stavans and Josh Lambert.
This spring, join Ilan Stavans and Josh Lambert at events across the country as they celebrate the release of their monumental new anthology.
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